Keep an eye on this post - additional info will be posted as it becomes available!
NEW 11/22/16 (AK) - ProctorU sign-up should now be available
Hello everyone!
This InfoPost will provide you with information about the December 2016 comprehensive exam. Please refer back to this post for more info over time.
The Comprehensive Exam is scheduled for Monday December 19, 2016, which is a Monday.
If you have questions relating to the comprehensive exam that are not covered in this post, please post them here:
As a companion to this blog post, please download and read the Comp Exam handout which contains the scoring rubric and some sample questions (this is the same as last semester)
The date of the exam is Monday December 19th, 2015 for both campus and online students.
For students who are taking the exam on-campus, the exam will take place in Healey Library, Blue Lab (Healey Library-3rd Floor). The exam will take place from Noon to 4pm. Please arrive by 11:30.
For students taking the exam online, the exam takes place at a location of your own choosing. Proctoring will be provided by a service called ProctorU (more down below). The exam for those taking it online is a little more flexible in terms of when you can start so that we can accommodate more time-zones. The exam opens at 12:05 am EST on the day of the exam and is available to start until 1:00pm EST on the same date. You still have 4 hours to complete it, but the starting time is a little more flexible. You can use Day and Time to calculate what these times are in your timezone.
Usually online students take the exam online, and on-campus students take the exam on-campus. However, if you are an online student and happen to be in the Boston area and want to come to campus to take the exam you can do that. Or, if you are an on-campus student and you want to take it online we can do that too! Just indicate on the RSVP what your plans are so we can prepare the appropriate exam for you.
In order to take the comprehensive exam you need to do two things:
- Please complete the RSVP form for taking the comprehensive exam (PDF) and return it to the department by email (, by fax (+1 617-287-5403) or in person (W-6-98).
- This form is due by October 15, 2016
- Please complete your graduation request paperwork. You should have received a letter from the registrar's office in late September if you are potentially eligible to graduate.
As soon as we have processed your paperwork, you will be given access to a Blackboard course ( where the information session will take place, and where you will be taking your exam.
Both online and on-campus students will be emailed an online survey by, or on, Friday December 2, 2016. If you don't receive a survey please first check your spam folder to see if it's there. If not, please email and we can troubleshoot :-)
You will have until Friday December 16, 2016 to complete this survey.You must complete the survey before taking the comprehensive exam. Please follow the link to the survey as you will be unable to take the exam until it is completed. This survey is anonymous and evaluations will be opened and analyzed only after comprehensive exam results are in and grades submitted.
The on-campus face to face comprehensive exam information session is TBD. Before you attend, please read the Comprehensive Exam Handout (see above) and use the Discussion forum Q&A to ask questions you might have about the comprehensive exam. If you are planning on attending please RSVP to this event so that we know how many are attending: (Link to TBD)
Online students: You can take the exam at (almost) any location you'd like! It seems that over the past few semesters most students taking the exam do so at home or at their office. To provide proctoring we are working with a company called ProctorU to make sure that each and every one of you has a proctor. It is really important to work out the time zone information correctly; all times are referenced in Eastern Standard Time (Boston time). Online students can choose to take the exam online, or on-campus.
Please see this Student Handout (PDF file) to see what the system requirements are for proctoring the exam remotely.
A common question that has been asked is whether or not you can go to a testing center, or find your own proctor, instead of using ProctorU. The answer is that you cannot use any other proctoring service other than ProctorU. ProctorU is the only option :)
On-campus exam students: Faculty members from the department of Applied Linguistics will be proctoring the on-campus exam on December 19th.
Exam Material
Students are examined on material from their FIVE core and TWO required courses in their concentration (ESL or Foreign Language). Questions which appear on the exam are taken from exams, paper topics, and assignments in core and required courses and are periodically updated by faculty to reflect new course materials. Questions may also be submitted to the Comprehensive Exam Committee by students and will be considered for inclusion on the exam. If you are interested to do so, please email your questions to the coordinator of the Comprehensive Exam at
Exam Structure
Questions on the exam are arranged into THREE areas of study. Two questions are asked in
each area. Students must answer ONE question in each area, thus THREE questions in FOUR
In each area, we suggest in parentheses possible themes questions might address. However, this
is NOT an exhaustive list.
Students are responsible for preparing to answer questions in each area by referring to course
syllabi where main content and goals are highlighted. Materials from one specific course may be
helpful and used to answer questions in more than one area.
All answers to exam questions should be informed by theory and research and include a detailed linguistic analysis when required. The content of all core and concentration courses will be tested on the exam (601, 603, 605, 621, 623, 611 or 618, 612 or 614)
The exams are graded by a committee of Applied Linguistics faculty. Exams are graded “blind;” no names are recorded on the printouts of the exams. Students are assigned a letter code and the list which identifies letters with student names is sealed until grading is completed.
Each exam is read by at least two faculty members. If the first reader and the second reader agree that the exam is a “Pass,” then the student is passed. If the first and second reader disagree, or if there is any uncertainty in their evaluation, then a third reader is enlisted.
Each answer is assigned a grade of High Pass, Pass, or Fail. No exam can be deemed as a Pass if one of the three required questions is not answered or has been assigned a failing grade.
Given the high number of students taking the exam, it may take up to two weeks for results to be sent out. Exam results are emailed when all grading has been completed. Students should not email or call the office about results. Faculty always complete evaluations by graduation date. Students who pass the exam don’t have access to their exam answers.
Readers use the same comprehensive exam evaluation rubric to evaluate exams. You are encouraged to familiarize yourself with this rubric before the exam. The rubric includes the following criteria:
- Does student answer the question asked?
- Are all parts of the question answered?
- Does the student answer the question in sufficient depth? Are there important issues not covered?
- Does the student make repeated or gross misstatements that would lead you to believe that they do not understand the relevant material?
- Is the material presented coherently organized? Can you follow the student’s argument without having to do a lot of “interpreting” or “filling in the blanks”?
- Are technical terms used clearly and appropriately? Are terms defined where necessary?
- Are references made to course content and material where obvious/necessary? (If, for example, you teach a course which addresses the question posed, does the student mention those aspects of the issue covered in your course?)
- Does the student cite relevant sources? Does the student link theories or methods to particular individuals? (In other words, if s/he is clearly referring to a particular author’s work, does s/he cite the author?)
- If the student draws on personal experiences to answer a question, is that experience linked in some way to theoretical issues, relevant literature, or coursework?
- Does the student merely repeat the same material, references, and arguments in one or more of his or her responses or does s/he demonstrate a comprehensive grasp of the field?
Strategies for preparing for and taking the exam:
- Carefully review your course syllabi paying attention to the course objectives and the main headings of weekly sessions. These headings outline important topics and issues; you should know the literature related to these themes and topics. You should be able to formulate basic questions about these themes and issues that could be exam questions.
- In general, exam questions ask you to define and discuss an issue, its context and origins; to support your discussion referring to scholars who contributed to the discussion of the issue, and to draw some classroom implications.
- Knowing the literature means being able to summarize the main ideas of a given scholar and assess her/his contribution to the field of applied linguistics. You are not expected to quote in the exam but you should spell scholars’ names properly, know the decade in which they contributed to the field, and present and summarize scholar’s ideas using and defining the terminology and connecting these ideas to the questions asked.
- If you like working in groups, it is a good idea to meet online with classmates.
- Advice for group work
- Form a small group with 3-5 other students
- Commit to each other to a meeting schedule, time and mode
- Individually list the major theories that you remember
(Do this before you open the books to see how much you already know!) - Include the key theorists’ name and dates.
- Write a paragraph or two from memory with the key details.
- Meet with your group to compare notes.
- Revise your summaries as needed
- Make a timeline of key theorists and dates.
Include ONLY names and dates for a “clean” visual memory support.
Use colors if you are a visual learner.
- Practice timed essays with each other:
- Familiarize yourself with the evaluation rubric used by comprehensive exam graders
- Write and exchange your questions
- Assess each other’s essays using the comprehension evaluation rubric
- Suggested: two “assessors” read and grade independently, THEN compare grades and feedback.
- Give feedback in terms of the rubric and what the question asks
- You may consult any of the faculty members if you have doubt or questions about some concept or issue.
Taking the Exam
- Set up a document in word before you access the exam so you are ready to write as soon as you access the questions. SAVE it! Remember to hit save regularly as you write, or set it up to autosave every 5 minutes. Make sure you give yourself 5-10 minutes at the end to copy/paste your answers to Bb.
- Do not worry about formatting. It will disappear when you copy to Blackboard. Try to insert a blank line or two between paragraphs. Don’t worry about indenting.
- Copy the key phrases that you must answer in each question. Enter spaces between each phrase before you start to write. This will create a structure and help you remember what you have to answer. The last line of each question will ALWAYS tell you to support your answer with relevant literature. It is not necessary to copy this phrase—you are doing this throughout each answer.
- It is very important that you mark clearly by number each of the questions you choose to answer. The area designator and question number is sufficient. You do not have to copy the entire question. (e.g., A3)
- You should not waste time making detailed notes, extensive outlines, or rewriting your answers. The exam committee realizes this is a timed exam and you are under considerable pressure; therefore, we do not grade on language mechanics or expository prose -- so long as your argument and meaning are clear.
- You should not spend more than an hour on each question.
- You should run a spell check before uploading your exam.
If you Fail the Exam
Students who fail the exam on the first attempt can take the exam a second time. Before retaking the exam, the student should set up a phone, skype, or chat appointment with the Comprehensive Exam Coordinator to discuss the reasons for the failure. Students who fail the exam will be given the comments of readers and be shown parts of their exam in light of the readers’ evaluations.
Students who fail the exam can retake the exam only once. In preparing to retake the exam, students are encouraged to discuss with their advisors or other faculty how they might strengthen their performance. If a student feels he or she has been unjustly evaluated, an appeal procedure exists and may be discussed with the comprehensive exam chair.
Students who take their coursework seriously, seek and obtain the guidance of their faculty advisor periodically throughout their program of study, and prepare conscientiously for the comprehensive exam, usually have no difficulties passing.
As always, if you find this blog post helpful, please hit the "like" button :-)