New issue of LLT is out! (vol 19, issue 1)

For those of you interested in technology in language teaching:

Volume 19 Number 1 of Language Learning & Technology is Now Available

We are happy to announce that Volume 19, Number 1, of Language Learning & Technology is now available at It is a special issue on “Teacher Education and CALL” with guest editors Nike Arnold & Lara Ducate. The contents are listed below.

Please visit the LLT Web site and be sure to sign up to receive your free subscription if you have not already done so ( Also, we welcome your contributions for future issues, which should be done online at If you have questions about this process, check our guidelines for submission at:

Dorothy Chun and Trude Heift, Editors-in-Chief
Language Learning & Technology (


Supporting In-service Language Educators in Learning to Telecollaborate
by Robert O'Dowd

ESL Teacher Training in 3D Virtual Worlds
by Iryna Kozlova and Dmitri Priven

Rethinking Transfer: Learning From Call Teacher Education as Consequential Transition
by Chin-chi Chao

Exploring EFL Teachers' Knowledge and Competencies: In-service Program Perspectives
by Mei-Hui Liu & Robert Kleinsasser

From TPACK-in-Action Workshops to Classrooms: CALL Competency Developed and Integrated
by Shu-Ju Tai

Learning to Identify and Actualize Affordances in a New Tool
by Karen Haines

Teaching Critical, Ethical, and Safe Use of ICT to Teachers
by Sang-Keun Shin


Guest Editor Commentary
by Nike Arnold & Lara Ducate

Emerging Technologies

The Evolving Roles of Language Teachers: Trained Coders, Local Researchers, Global Citizens
by Robert Godwin-Jones

Action Research
Edited by Greg Kessler

New Software to Help EFL Students Self-Correct their Writing
by Jim Lawley

Promoting Pre-Service Teachers' Reflections through a Cross-Cultural Keypal Project
by Aleksandra Wach


Edited by Paige Ware

Computer-assisted foreign language teaching and learning: Technological advances
Zou, B.
Reviewed by Robert Blake

A constructivist approach to the NETS for teachers
Morphew, V. N.
Reviewed by Deborah Healey

Technology-Enhanced Language Learning Handbook
Walker, A., & White, G.
Reviewed by Jeffrey Moore



News From Sponsoring Organizations

Call for Papers for Special Issue of LLT

Theme: Methodological innovation in CALL research and its role in SLA

Special issue editor: Bryan Smith

2014 Reviewer Acknowledgements

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  • No problem Gail :)

    If people find these announcements useful, I follow other APLING related journals as well :)

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