Hello all,
We will be having our 2nd information session for the new Capstone Exercise on Thursday March 5th at 7 pm ET on Zoom (link: https://umassboston.zoom.us/j/786968724). If you need to join by phone audio only, please email me for the call-in number – kimberly.urbanski@umb.edu.
As we have changed from the Comp Exam to the Capstone Exercise, it is important for you to attend the information session to hear about the changes. If you are unable to attend, the meeting will be recorded and all information will be posted on umasslinguistics.com.
**If this is your 2nd time taking the exam, you will take the same format as you took the 1st time.
In preparation for the information session, it is essential to read this sample prompt before the meeting as we will be discussing it during the information session. You should consider how you would respond if this were a prompt for the Capstone Exercise. Please also consider what questions you have so that we can answer them during the information session.